Player Evaluations


At the start of each season, all BMHA players must go through evaluations to sort them into teams. This gives everyone the opportunity to play with others at a similar level and affords coaches the opportunity to best provide a positive teaching and learning experience.

The sort-out process for U9 and U11 will be based on two skills sessions and one scrimmage. The skills sessions will allow players to demonstrate their skating and hockey skills outside of the game environment. The scrimmage sessions will allow players to demonstrate both their skating skills and ability to play the game. Puck control and game play will also factor into the sort out process.

U13, U15 and U18 evaluations will be largely scrimmage based with a skills portion the primary part of the first session. Players will have the fairest opportunity in a game situation to demonstrate their skills and how they play the game.

The evaluation scoring system is a five point scale (1 to 5) and criteria for these scores will vary according to the age group. Evaluators will be looking at skating, puck control, shooting, passing and overall game play.

The BMHA Player Evaluation document provides more detail on the approach that will be followed during the evaluations.

At each session, independent evaluators - those with no children playing in that Division - will use the scoring system to arrive at a score. The results will be the primary reference tool for the Division Convenor and VP Operations to form teams at A, B or C levels.

Goalies will be evaluated by goaltending specialists, with the results being provided to the VP Operations.