Sponsorship Guidelines
Have Questions?
If you are interested in sponsoring the Blackburn Stingers or have questions please email info@blackburnstingers.ca. Our Sponsorship Director will contact you to help put you in touch with the right people.
The BMHA is a not-for-profit organization with objectives aimed at providing over 400 youth in our community the opportunity to experience the fun of playing hockey and to develop hockey and life skills. A key to our success is the financial contributions at either the Association or the team level.
Our association sponsorship program has four levels:
Platinum: in excess of $2,000 annually; company logo on front page of BMHA web site and on our Sponsor page with ‘link’ to company site; recognition of sponsorship in communications with BMHA members
Gold: in excess of $1,000 annually; company name on listing on front page of such sponsors on BMHA web site; company’s logo (with link) on our Sponsor page; one time reference to sponsorship in communications with BMHA members
Silver: in excess of $500 annually; company’s logo (and link) on our Sponsor page; one time reference to sponsorship in communications with BMHA members
Bronze: less than $500 annually; company’s name (and link) on our Sponsor page
Companies may choose to contribute funds without any limitations or may choose to target their sponsorship dollars at specific activities:
U13 Tournament: Financial support for hosting the tournament to defray costs and to provide additional investment in the hockey experience during this annual event. Based on past experience, there will be approximately 600 players participating in the tournament with teams from eastern and southern Ontario, and from Quebec. Tournaments are usually held over two weekends to accommodate the 28 teams and their families. All games are held at the Blackburn Arena.
Development Clinics for Coaches: The quality of our coaching cadre comes from ongoing learning and development. Costs are associated with facilities/ice; resource material; instructors; and coach certification. Financial support enables the Association to increase its investment and to deliver better and more extensive programming for these community volunteers.
Development Clinics for Players: In order to provide and promote skills development beyond what occurs during practices, specialty clinics such as ‘checking’ or ‘shooting’ etc. enable players to focus on certain aspects of hockey skill improvement. Costs of such clinics relate to ice and to instructors. Financial support would enable either individual clinics to be offered or a series of clinics, and could be targeted at certain age divisions or the entire house league.
House League Challenges: In order to promote development, ‘challenges’ such as Shooting Challenge, Penalty Free Challenge, Charity Leadership (and there could be others) could be developed and implemented that would encourage and recognize efforts to improve skills, the hockey environment, and the contribution to community. Such challenges could be team based or recognize individual players. Financial support would be aimed at the cost of “recognition”.
Volunteer Appreciation Event: Held at the end of the year to recognize the contributions of the hundreds of volunteers who enable the hockey season for our youth. Financial support could be general in nature or be for a specific element of the event, such as food, entertainment, awards, logistics.
Financial Assistance: We aim to enable all youth to participate no matter their family’s financial state. The BMHA has an existing program and donations could be added to that program to lessen barriers to participation.
Sponsorship of any of these specific activities could result in ‘naming’ rights and recognition of the sponsor in communications to the various audiences associated with the specific activity (e.g. coaches). It may also provide for ‘presentation’ opportunities (i.e. Company leaders presenting trophies or other forms of recognition). From a social media/web site perspective, financial sponsorships would result in one of: inclusion of company’s name on our list of sponsors; inclusion of company’s logo on our list of sponsors; or inclusion of company’s logo on front page of BMHA web site – all of which would be dependent on size/value of contribution (see information above).
BMHA teams are permitted to seek out team sponsorships, with the understanding that all funds raised must be used to support hockey-related team activities, such as tournament registration fees or extra practice ice. These sponsorship opportunities are arranged and administered at the individual team (not the Association) level.
Here are some examples of possible sponsorship packages (which can be modified by each team):
Website link: $100 and up
Sponsor's Company Listing & Link to the Sponsor on the sponsors page of the BMHA website.
Single Jersey Sponsor: $100 - $200
Sponsor's Company Name displayed on one player’s home & away jersey for the season, as well as a Listing & Link to the Sponsor on the sponsors page of the BMHA website.
Home or Away Jersey Sponsor: $500 - $750
Sponsor's Company Name displayed on all of either the team’s home or away jerseys*, as well as a Listing & Link to the Sponsor on the sponsors page of the BMHA website.
Team Jersey Sponsor: $1000 - $2000
Sponsor's Company Name displayed on all of the team’s home & away jerseys*. The sponsor is also provided a Listing with company logo & Link to the Sponsor on the sponsors page of the BMHA website.
Important notes:
Team or Home/Away Jersey Sponsors should be made aware if there will be some Single Jersey Sponsors, which would take priority, on a few jerseys (only one sponsor name bar allowed per jersey).
The Sponsor Company is responsible for supplying the sponsor name bars that are to be applied to the jersey(s).
The cost of attaching (and removing) sponsor name bars to jerseys is the responsibility of the team. This can be a significant cost and should be accounted for when setting the cost of the sponsorship.
Please contact the Head Coach or Manager of the BMHA team your are interested in sponsoring and thanks in advance for your support!!!